We act rationally to limit the environmental consequences of our activities.

Our structure has a QSE delegate.
Each employee in our administrative departments has been given a waste basket for sorting cardboard/paper in circulation.
We recycle waste separately in the workshops, which is taken care of by approved service providers.
Large construction sites are subject to a Health and Safety Plan (HSP) in which recycling and waste disposal procedures are established.
To avoid commuting, lunch is offered to employees in our company cantine and is served on washable plates, in order to limit the consumption of packaging.
Our soda dispensers have been replaced by water fountains, which are connected directly to the municipal network
When servicing machinery entrusted to us by our customers, we favour oil changes / refilling with biodegradable lubricants.
The management's company vehicles are equipped with particle filters and fall into the energy efficiency category B.
In order to limit the risks of untimely pollution, nearly 3'000 m2 of two-layer asphalt flooring was laid around our workshops.
Our clients include the Canton and the Confederation (Army logistics base). As such we are regularly audited for environmental and worker protection.
Since 2012, our company holds the ISO14001 certification which regulates the requirements of an environmental management system.
Our new office buildings have insulation levels that exceed current standards. While natural lighting is favored in all rooms, LEDs have been chosen for all lighting fixtures. The premises are heated by an air and water heat pump.